St Mark's proudly celebrates a strong legacy of performing arts.
All our acting is underpinned by the four Drama Techniques: Voice, Body, Movement and Space. All our students know to 'project' their voices and not 'shout!' All students quickly build confidence performing on and offstage.
One vehicle of our drama learning is through improvisation. Improvisation builds skills such as problem solving, teamwork, flexible thinking, storytelling and embracing mistakes.
Our school productions are one of the most popular aspects of St Mark's School student life. Over the last eight years, Years 3-8 students have performed The Lion King, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Mary Poppins and most recently Moana. The next production is... well you will just have to wait and see!
Mōkihi have their own production while Years 3-8 collaborate on an elaborate production.
There is a production every two years.
The Performance Choir, Years 6-8 students, lead the singing in our Church services every Friday at St Mark’s Church. Mr Ellis extends on their choral singing skills, tackling a more challenging repertoire, often singing in harmony or different parts. Participation in this group is also voluntary, rehearsing before school one morning each week.
Every alternate year, students from Years 6-8 learn and practice the Christchurch Primary Schools’ Music Festival repertoire as part of the school’s music programme. They have the opportunity to take part in the massed choir for one night of the festival. Confident vocalists and instrumentalists often represent the school in the Representative Groups at the Festival.
This choir is for any Year 4 or 5 student who enjoys singing. Participation is voluntary. Mr Ellis rehearses with the choir one day each week before school.
For students who have been an instrument for 2+ years and are confident music readers, playing in the Marimba Group offers the opportunity to develop their skills, creating music as part of an ensemble.
As well as curriculum music lessons, the school offers the opportunity for private music lessons through an Itinerant Music programme, run by experienced tutors.
Tuition is currently available in: Piano (Yrs 0-8), Violin (Yrs 0-8), Singing (Yrs 0-8), Ukulele (Yrs 0-3), Guitar (Yrs 3-8) and Drums (Yrs 3-8).
This group offers senior students learning vocal, electric guitar, keyboard or drums the chance to create music together with a contemporary repertoire.
During our weekly Monday morning assemblies, students learning an instrument are encouraged to share their talent with the school by performing. Our Friday weekly Church services often have one of the two choirs performing. Please feel welcome to join us at one of these services.
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