"St Mark's School exists to provide a balanced education, where a child's academic, cultural, physical, social and spiritual needs are identified and nurtured in a dynamic Christian environment, grounded in the Anglican way and supported by a family oriented community"
St Mark’s School is an integrated, co educational, full primary school, providing education with special character, for children from Years 0-8. There is a maximum roll of 245 girls and boys, aged from 5 to 13 years and has a decile rating of 10. Students tend to come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds and demographically are enrolled from the wider Christchurch community.
The key element is the association with the Anglican Church, which has been maintained since it became independent from St Mark’s Anglican Church in 1981. Today the pastoral care and link between the school and the church is just as strong. A sense of family and community values is not only taught, but practised and experienced.
St Mark’s School is situated in a bend of the Ōpāwaho, Heathcote River. Part of our St Mark’s Story is a journey from the sheltered waters of the Ōpāwaho to the shoreline, to the open ocean. Our students progress from Mōkihi (years 0-2), to Waka Pūhara (years 3-5), to Waka Hourua (years 6-8).
Our Mōkihi learners begin in the sheltered water of the Ōpāwaho, close to the grounds of St Mark’s School. Just as the Mōkihi is made of many strands of raupō, our St Mark’s School Whānau is made up of many unique students. Together, we strengthen the bindings, aukaha kia kaha. Our Mōkihi students become part of our St Mark’s School Whānau, forming strong connections with one another, building a sense of belonging.
Our Waka Pūhara learners are working together to venture further into the world. They are ready to go beyond the Ōpāwaho and explore the shoreline. As they support one another in their learning, they must paddle in unison, kia kotahi te hoe o te waka.
Our Waka Hourua learners are ready to tackle the open ocean. They are developing the resilience, persistence, and problem-solving skills to navigate a choppy sea of challenges. He moana pukepuke ka ekengia e te waka. Our year-8 leavers are ready to navigate through the adventures of life beyond St Mark’s School.
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